Health + healing for a magical mind, body + soul

Fit, healthy, fulfilled, rich, joyful, inspired, WHOLE.


You want it?

Good. Because the Universe is waiting for you to come and get it.

At your core, you know what you want. You know how you want to feel. You know that you can make it happen.


    • You’re scared. Knowing what you want out of life is one thing but actually going for it? That’s when shit gets real. You’ve gotten used to making up stories about how you “can’t” and blocking yourself from making your dreams a reality (yes, you can energetically block yourself from getting the job, losing the weight, attracting a mate).


    • You’ve tried to “get healthy” before and it worked… for about a month… and then you were right back to your old habits. You’re afraid to go for it again at the risk of looking like a failure. And honestly, the thought of declaring you’re doing this (again) is scary as hell because it means you have to learn to trust yourself again.


    • You know that transformations take courage but you’ve been through a lot and are swinging back and forth between “yeah, I am worthy of investing in myself” and “ugh, I’ll probably just fail again”. You’re struggling to believe that this time will be different.


At this point, you know yourself and you’ve come to realize that if you want to create lasting change, you need more than a diet or a book or an infomercial to make it happen.

You need a solution that focuses on your spirit AND your stomach.

Introducing, Flow Coaching, a 3month long, 1-on-1 program to improve the health of your mind, body and soul and set your magic free.


Flow Coaching is for women who are ready to step into their power and create a life they love in a body they adore. It’s unique and individualized for each client so you can reach your wellness goals, in the way that works best for you.

Over 90 days, we’ll have twelve 1-hour long sessions (via phone or Skype). We’ll set goals, analyze your energy, tackle whatever problems come up and create a strategy that works for you so you can STOP the body shame, START making eating well the norm (instead of just something you’re doing right now that feels really hard), and KEEP your healthy habits going when our work together is finished.

The truth is, if you want to FEEL amazing, you need to eat well. You need to connect with your intuition. You need to get clear on what you really want. Because that synergy, my dear, is MAGICAL.

Flow Coaching is a mash-up of health coaching and energy work to help you change your old patterns once and for all so you can stop negative behaviors and start living a magical life.


Less of this: overeating, letting people walk all over you, using food as a therapist, feeling crappy, nasty self-talk, yo-yo dieting

More of this: comfortable in your skin, connected, nourished, present, magnetic

Once you’re feeling more of the good stuff, we’re gonna make sure your old habits are gone, FOR GOOD. Unlike a diet, eating plan, or crazy point system, Flow Coaching will have you create sustainable changes to your diet and life by using Neuro Linguistic Programming to change the way your brain processes information and allowing you to listen to your body in a whole new way (ie actually stopping eating when you feel full, not obsessively thinking about the potato chips in the cabinet, and being comfortable saying yes and no based on your needs and desires).

You can be free from the food obsessed voices in your head. You can be free from the self doubt. You can be free from diets. Freedom comes from the FLOW.

And Flowville is where the MAGIC (inspiration, joy, expansion, presence) happens. ALL. THE. TIME.

With Flow Coaching, you get more than just a menu and a goal sheet. This comprehensive, 1:1 program includes:

    • Accountability. I’m here to hold your wellness intentions with you and make sure you’re staying on track, and when you’re not, I’ll help you figure out why and get back to it!


    • Guidance. I had an eating disorder and know the struggles that come with emotional eating. I will share what I’ve learned to help you on your way.


    • Coaching. At the end of the day, this is about you and what you want for yourself and your life. I’ll be using all sorts of coaching tools to get you to see, declare, and own your vision to make it a reality.


    • Food/nutrition advice. I love food and want you to enjoy it! I’ll show you how to use it to nourish your body, mind and spirit so you look and feel your best.


    • Yoga Instruction. Using yoga poses to work through emotional blocks and clear your chakras is AMAZING. With me, you’ll have your own personal yoga instructor.


    • A variety of healing modalities and energy work. This is not a one size fits all program. We’ll figure out what works for you, what you like and what gets results and USE it. I’ve got a TON of tricks up my sleeve that can be life changing tools and I can’t wait to share them with you!

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How does it work?

Click here to schedule your FREE 30 minute consult with me to ask all of your questions and see if we’re a good fit

For the next 90 days, we’ll “meet” weekly (that’s 12 one-hour long sessions) for a combination of coaching and energy work. Our sessions will be tailored to your needs and will include all or some of the following

    • Food recommendations to get you feeling your best


    • Yoga poses to get you connected with your body


    • Reiki healing to balance your energy


    • Neuro Linguistic Programming to retrain the patterns in your brain and dissolve limiting beliefs


    • Coaching to get you super clear on your goals and work through your blocks


    • Meditations to open your mind, connect with the Universe, and identify with your potential


    • Chakra Assessments to see how your energy is flowing and where you have energetic blocks so we can work through them

During our final session we’ll revisit your initial goal, acknowledge how far you’ve come and set intentions for your next 90 days.

You walk away on the path to transformation armed with the tools to make your new habits your norm, feeling happy, healthy and in the flow!

Your Investment $2,376 (Yup, you can change your eating habits for LIFE for less than the cost of a designer handbag)

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You can do anything

You can be anyone

You can have everything

But, you gotta to be open to it. You gotta take action. You gotta have support.

You gotta FLOW.