February 14, 2014 in Love, Meditation, Self Care, Spiritual Reflections

Why Self-Love Isn’t Selfish

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Often we may think that taking the time to care for and nurture ourselves is selfish. We might even feel guilty or berate ourselves for doing it. Well, I’m here to tell you that caring for yourself doesn’t have to mean someone else’s loss. In fact, I believe that the best way we can care for others is by loving and caring for ourselves. How much more loving and joyful would all of your relationships and experiences be if you were nurturing and loving yourself? When you know how to care for yourself, everyone can benefit.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You are love. You are joy. You just have to tap into it and things will start to shift and open up a completely new world of possibilities for peace, love and happiness. If you want more love in your life, be more loving. Begin by stopping the self-criticism and loving yourself more.

When I got married a little over three years ago now, our Buddhist Meditation teacher was kind enough to speak during our ceremony and guide a loving meditation for us. During the meditation he asked all our guests to imagine sending love to us in the form of golden white light. Just remembering that moment fills me with joy because I remember feeling and being surrounded by so much love. I’d like to invite you to try this meditation out starting with yourself and then begin to feel that love radiating outward.

A meditation on love

Sit with your back straight yet relaxed. Take a few moments to connect with your breath. With each inhalation, breathe in relaxation. With each exhalation, breathe out any tension in the body and mind. Feel your muscles letting go of any tightening or clenching. Feel your mind slowing down. Feel yourself release, relax and let go. Once you’ve allowed the body and mind to relax a little bit, imagine breathing in healing white light on the inhalation. On the exhalation breathe out any negativity, distractions or non-peaceful thoughts. Imagine your body being filled with this healing light. Then allow your awareness to drop down into the area of your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Begin to send yourself loving thoughts. Imagine you were your own kind mother telling yourself nurturing things like, “I Love You,” “I accept you totally and completely as you are.” Tap into this love at your heart. Allow yourself time to enjoy this feeling of love. When it feels right you can then expand this love outward to others. Start with your close karmic connections, like your family and friends. Feel love radiate from your heart to theirs. Gradually imagine this love expanding out all over the world to all beings everywhere. When you are ready to relax your concentration, make one final wish for everyone to be able to feel this love in their hearts and share it with others.

The more you practice this meditation of love, the more natural it will become. Eventually, you will be able to feel this love for all living beings, and will feel connected to them instead of feeling isolated, alone and stuck. Somewhere along the line we got this idea that we only have room to love a certain amount of people in our life, but in truth we have the potential for limitless love and it starts with you.

If you’d like more simple steps to loving yourself, you can sign up for my free guide here: How To Love Yourself

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