4 Tips from Archangel Michael on Connecting With The Divine

Recently, I said yes to my divine purpose and fully committed to seeing it through to fruition. When I said yes, something magical happened. Archangel Michael stepped in and let me know DEFINITIVELY he was by my side. I literally felt his presence come in as a protective and guiding force. It felt like I had a new guide appear that had the energy of a bouncer in a club who prevents the riff raff from coming in.
When I mentioned this new presence to one of my gifted mentors, she said it was Archangel Michael. I was accustomed to calling on him for help in my healing practice as well as for protection for myself, but outside of that, had not spent a lot of time reading or researching what else he specialized in.
I decided to get Doreen Virtue’s book, “The Miracles Of Archangel Michael” to read more up on him. I hadn’t even gotten past reading the introduction, when Doreen’s words about Michael mimicked my own feelings I had had only days prior. “Like a sacred nightclub bouncer, Michael ensures that only beings of pure love and light come near you.” This was my sign that I could no longer dismiss the messages I would hear, see, feel or know to be true. Right now he’s helping me write my book, but today he wanted me to pause and relay this message for all of us warriors of the light.
These are very simple things that we can do to increase our connection to our intuition and receive messages from the divine. While it took me lots of gentle nudges, I’ve been listening to Archangel Michael’s wisdom, and everything is becoming much more clear, connected and magical.
Maybe we’ve heard these tips before. If that’s the case, we can let them serve as gentle reminders and take a moment to ask ourselves what could be improved on in some of these areas. They are not just going to be beneficial for our health, I promise you.
1. Eat as clean as possible
If we want to increase our intuition and communicate with our Divine Spiritual Posse, it’s very important to eat as clean as possible. When we’re eating things with gluten, dairy, alcohol and caffeine, too much processed sugar, artificial sweeteners, additives and GMOs, it’s harder for them to get through. The cleaner we eat, the clearer our channel becomes and the easier it is to hear, see, feel and know the messages we’re receiving are not just things we’re making up in our heads.
Gluten actually means glue or gluey substance. It is a gut irritant that has been shown to create tiny lacerations in the intestinal wall. Not only does it cause inflammation in the body, but it makes it more difficult for our digestive system to work. While this causes a host of problems including weight gain, joint pain, muscle aches, belly bloat, headaches and skin issues, it also closes off our channel to spirit. Or at the very least, it makes it more difficult to process the messages because our body is spending so much time and energy trying to process the gluten.
Dairy’s very nature is mucous producing. Maybe we’ve noticed that when we have dairy, it has caused constipation, upset stomach, sinus congestion, and difficulty breathing to name a few. Again it is taxing on our body and using up precious resources that we could be utilizing to communicate with Spirit and our intuition more clearly.
Alcohol and caffeine are kind of like spiritual Novocain. It numbs us to the messages that are trying to make their way through to us. Many healers and psychics actually use it as a tool so that they aren’t as bombarded with messages and feelings. Some do it knowingly and some do it subconsciously as a way to numb themselves into balance. Many people use alcohol to help themselves let loose and let their hair down, but unwittingly are cutting off clear communication. While caffeine can heighten our physical senses in other ways, it is turning them down in the spiritual sense.
2. Breathe
Simple right? But SO many people are not doing it fully or deeply. Again, it’s about opening up the channel. When we hold onto our breath, we are living from an ego state of fear, but when we breathe deeply and consistently we are more in tune with the divine. Inhale deep rich breaths and invite it to fill all the nooks and crannies of your body. Use your exhalation to let go of painful emotions, experiences or thoughts that need to be moved through in order to make way for something better.
3. Release Doubt
Chances are that if we are questioning whether or not we’re making things up in our head, we’re actually receiving divine messages. The constant questioning and dismissing of these thoughts will prove of no use to us. They may not always be messages that we want to hear, but I bet there have been many times when we ultimately just “knew” the right thing to do. Maybe someone in our life, like a friend or partner has been making STRONG suggestions to us for several years now, but we just couldn’t bring ourselves to heed their advice. Sometimes Spirit takes an indirect route, and that’s why it’s important to pay attention to the signs and messages we are receiving. Did someone say something in a conversation we just “happened” to overhear that was completely relevant to a question or situation we have been pondering? Did a song come on the radio “out of the blue” with a message timed strangely perfectly? Pay attention to the breadcrumbs Spirit is leaving.
4. Trust
Trust that no matter what, we are protected, supported and so loved. The Divine is always with us. Just because we may not be able to see and feel them right now, they are ALWAYS there. The more you call on them for help, the greater and quicker our connection will become. We never have to worry that we are pulling them away from a more important task because they can be everywhere at once. No problem is too big or too small. Ask for help saving a parking spot right up front, smoothing communications between ourselves and a loved one or even direct healing work. They LOVE to help and are so happy when we call on them. But, remember it’s important to actually ask. Although they are always surrounding and watching over us, unless it’s something really big, they can’t step in without our permission.
In the comments below, share which tip hit home the most.
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May 26, 2016 at 10:48 am
I love the reminder to BREATHE – as you say – so simple, yet how many of are doing it properly?
May 26, 2016 at 11:15 am
Michelle Matthews
I know Tamsin! So many of us are holding our breaths or breathing really shallowly.
May 24, 2016 at 10:35 pm
Holly Suly
Fabulous advice and so nice to know more about Archangel Michael! Thank you.
May 26, 2016 at 11:16 am
Michelle Matthews
Glad you enjoyed Holly!
May 24, 2016 at 8:33 pm
Saloni Singh
Hey Michelle, I love all these tips and the article came in just at the right time for me, as I am taking a big step in faith and would love divine connection. I specially like the tip ‘breathe’ just inhale the peace and connection with every breath…thanks for sharing this. Love <3
May 26, 2016 at 11:16 am
Michelle Matthews
So happy you enjoyed Saloni! Keep connecting with that divine breath. 🙂
May 24, 2016 at 4:20 pm
Anesia Jackson
Hi Michelle! Eating clean really home for me! There are some things I need to let go of to be able to really receive messages! Thank you so much for this email and blog!
Have a blessed day.
May 26, 2016 at 11:17 am
Michelle Matthews
Many blessings to you Anesia! Glad you enjoyed!