May 2, 2016 in Intuition, Productivity

My #1 Tip To Tune Into Intuition & Get More Done

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This will seem counter-intuitive. I know it did for me for a LONG time. In fact, I fought it for years.

I was working with my own coaches, going through training programs and working on building my business at the same time, all while holding down a full-time job. But, I couldn’t seem to take the number one bit of advice that my own coaches and #TheHubs kept repeating over and over again. Slow down. Create more space for yourself and doing things that you love. Make more time for fun and play.

It was so bad at one point a couple years ago that I had forgotten what I actually enjoyed doing in my spare time. Seriously. I had always loved to read, go for hikes in nature, get all kinds of crafty, and yet when someone asked me what I liked to do just for fun, I couldn’t for the life of me remember one thing. So sad right?!

To top it off, I really didn’t feel like I had time for fun. I felt like when I wasn’t at my day job, I needed to be working in my business, whether it was creating programs, writing posts, or figuring out some kind of marketing plan. But this is actually backwards. Because I was so focused on work work work all the time, it was blocking me from being inspired, and was making me LESS productive in the long term.

This past year, I decided I wanted to start learning how to paint. So #TheHubs got me this totally awesome art program for xmas called Life Book 2016. It’s a new art lesson every week. That’s 52 awesome lessons, and they’re all video based so you can go at your own pace. And, please keep in mind that I’ve never really tried painting before so if I can do it, ANYONE can. Also, you can join ANY time, like NOW would be REALLY F-U-N!

In any event, I discovered that taking the time to slow down and make art was not only fun and nourishing for my soul, BUT, it also gets me into the space where I connect more fully to my intuition, and am able to download lots of good insights and ideas. Then afterwards, I feel so inspired and spacious, that I am ready and raring to go on my projects, like a new offering I’m working on for all of you to help activate and open your intuitive channels.

This weeks lesson of Life Book, I wrote a poem to go along with the painting.

Roots & Wings


Bubble up to the surface
Like lava waiting to be released
Feelings of unworthiness rain down from the sky
Joy peaks her head out from behind a cloud
Rays of sunshine pour down
Soaking the ground below
Planting new seeds of hopes and dreams
To take their place
Love replaces the weeds of delusions
Patience passes the time
As an enlightened mind grows
Rooted into the heart
Suffering fades like a distant memory
Everyone is liberated
In the comments below, tell me what your favorite ways to be creative are! What do you just love to do that helps get you out of your head and into your heart space?



  1. May 4, 2016 at 8:46 am


    For someone who hasn’t done much painting your artwork is awesome!

    I feel like you’re talking right to me in this post – and I’m getting this message from all sources – I’m working on remedying the situation, but boy the resistance to having FUN! Whoa!

  2. May 3, 2016 at 11:08 am

    Nancy Lishack

    Michelle, Thanks so much for your gentle reminder of “slowing down.” I, too, get caught up in the work, work, work mode. As a result, fatigue sets in very quickly and my creative flow stops. Grounding and breathing into what I love (baking, gardening, walking in nature, connecting with my loved ones), helps me to drop into my heart space.

    1. May 3, 2016 at 11:11 am

      Michelle Matthews

      It’s so easy to slip into that work, work, work mode isn’t it Nancy? So happy to hear you have things you love that bring you back to your heart space.

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