A Message From The Angels & How To Tune In

When I was little I remember being mesmerized by my mother’s beauty. I loved watching her get ready in the morning, following every step as she put on her makeup and styled her hair. The thing was I don’t think she saw it or at least I know she didn’t feel it all the time. Many times I remember her raising her voice at the reflection in the mirror, not liking that her hair just did not seem to be cooperating. But, all I saw was beauty. There was no imperfection there and I wished that she could see herself the way I saw her. I still see her like this. She is beautiful inside and out.
A couple of weeks ago I got my hair cut, and as I was styling it myself a couple days later, I noted how the ends were flipping in different directions. It took me back to those mornings I would watch my mom get upset that her hair refused to fall into place the way it should. When it happened to me I thought, “Oh cool, that’s kinda different, and anyhow I don’t usually like to be like everyone else anyways.” But, that memory of my mom brought up the sudden feeling that I needed to tell her how beautiful she was and how much she was loved.
I didn’t tell her right away though and the feeling got stronger and stronger. In fact, I started to feel an angelic presence around me telling me I really needed to tell her how beautiful and loved she was. A couple more days passed, and the feeling continued to get stronger.
My mom’s birthday was coming up, so when I sat down to write her birthday card I knew the angels wanted to deliver a special birthday message for her. I decided that even if it sounded a little crazy, I will tell my mom the message that it was clear to me her angels were trying to communicate through me. So, after writing my own note, I shared what the angels wanted to tell her.
Often, when we get repetitive thoughts like this, you can be sure that it is your intuitive guidance system coming through. Whether you choose to believe it is coming from the celestial realms, your higher self or just an inner knowing from within, it is often a sign to pay attention. It is a way for you to tune in.
Last week, I was doing a Chakra Tune-Up session with a client and during the energy healing part of the session, I got another clear message for my client. As I was sending her healing energy her angels came through to tell her how much she was loved.
In other ways throughout the week, the message of being loved kept coming through, and it is clear that I need to share it with all of you too.
The angels want you to know that YOU. ARE. LOVED.
They want us to stop being hard on ourselves and to feel the love they are surrounding us with ALL. THE. TIME. All you have to do is tune in and ask for their help. They want to be of service to you!.
Know if you are reading this it is not a coincidence! Please be gentle with yourself. When you see yourself in the mirror, send yourself some love. Say something like, “I love you. You’re so beautiful!” Keep doing this until it feels authentic and you really feel the love for yourself. If you catch yourself talking down to yourself, reverse it by saying something loving instead. In this way you raise your own vibration and carry the vibration of love forward into the world.
I love you too!
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July 16, 2015 at 2:25 am
The angels sure do know how to get through. After undertaking my Reiki training I’m getting more and more angel messages…this one was lovely to receive too 🙂 Thanks! xx
July 23, 2015 at 4:41 pm
Michelle Matthews
That’s beautiful Lynn! The more you continue using your healing skills the more you will receive! xo!