I didn’t know how to tell you this…

I have to tell you something, and the truth is that I didn’t know how to say it. If you notice, you haven’t seen me post in a few weeks, and aside from being busy doing some awesome things like going to a Massage Therapy Conference and getting training in Reflexology, going to a coaching conference with other like-minded soul sisters and re-writing almost all the copy on my website, I just didn’t know how to tell you this.
So if you’ve been hanging out with me for awhile, you know that I share all kinds of info with you about the importance of healthy food, what it does for you in terms of lots of things like losing weight, having more energy, not looking like a pimply faced teenager, having a clearer mind and other awesome stuff. I’ve even been known to share some yummy recipes with you, and I absolutely geek out over taking pictures of my healthy food and sharing it on Instagram and Facebook. (You’re already following me right?!)
Here’s the thing …
While I believe healthy food is a necessary foundation in your life, and I can help you use it to accomplish some of your goals, it is only one small piece of the puzzle. Like, have you ever wondered WHY you eat super healthy, lose a bunch of weight and then dive head first into a bag of oreos or potato chips when the weekend rolls around? There’s actually a REAL reason for this and it has to do with (in my humble opinion) your limiting beliefs AND more than possibly some actual energetic blocks that are going on.
These limiting beliefs and energetic blocks actually hold you back in lots of different areas in your life, like your career, your health, your relationships, your finances, your business, and quite often when it comes to fulfilling your soul’s mission (more on that to come).
And this is where I’ve been hiding out from you. One could say I’ve been locking myself in a nice cozy closet. It’s gotten so cozy, I’ve started knitting blankets and sweaters in there. There’s twinkling lights hanging from the ceiling and the walls are hung with pretty pictures and inspirational messages. It feels super safe and warm in here, BUT…it’s not helping you and it’s really holding me back from living my purpose.
I guess I’ve been super scared of what you might think of me. Like maybe you would think what I was doing was too woo woo, some sort of new age witchcraft or just plain freakin’ weird, but you know what, it’s me. And, I can’t keep it a secret any longer.
Here’s the thing.
I’m actually a really gifted energy healer. Like I’m pretty sure I was born with this gift kinda thing. Some of my clues along the way were, since I was a little girl I could quickly pick up on the “vibe” in a room and tell you if it felt funky, angry, buzzing with excitement, or smooth, calm and peaceful. I pick-up on other peoples vibe’s real easy too and can tell you if there’s something going on with them. It comes in real handy for knowing when people are lying too. Like I said, it’s “my thing”. Anyways, fast forward to 2005 when I received my first Reiki attunement so that I could channel healing energy to others, it came as no surprise that I was in love. More on Reiki coming soon, but the short and quick is that it’s “Universal Life Force Energy” that is channeled by the practitioner (me) to the client (you) in order to balance your energy, dissolve blocks and heal what’s ready to be healed. I loved practicing Reiki so much that I became a Reiki Master Teacher (which means I can give you attunements so you can heal yourself and others). But I didn’t stop there with this energy healing goodness. I also learned how to intuitively tap into your chakras (your energy centers shaped like wheels or channels of light – we all got ’em) and read how the energy is flowing so we know where to focus our time while doing energy work AND coaching together. I also know how to do energy clearings to clear you of layers of energy that need to be removed so you can make way for positive shit shifts to happen, and I can help you balance all your chakras with another energy healing modality called Rising Star (more on that soon too).
Anyhow, what I’m trying to say is that energy work is the bomb! It so cool and shifts things so quick it kinda blows my mind most of the time, so I’ll be infusing a lot more of it into my work. AND, I really want to help you in a much BIGGER way. So, in addition to helping you with the “food, weight, feeling good in your body” piece, my work with you is really much more all encompassing and will actually impact your ENTIRE life. Health coaching is just one tool in my extensive tool belt, and being that I’m highly intuitive (yes, sometimes I see images, colors or receive messages when I’m working with you), I’ll know what will work best for you based on our time together. Our work together will allow you to dissolve your energetic blocks and limiting beliefs (the stuff that’s holding you back) so you can fulfill your soul’s mission and live your life purpose, collectively raising the vibration of the entire Universe (while STILL rocking out in your skinny jeans). Whoa right?! Sounds big and bold, but I think so many of us are getting up day after day just going through the motions knowing we are meant for something so much bigger, or maybe we feel stuck in a particular area and can’t figure out how to move forward. That’s really where I come in, and I love helping you get out of a funk and into your flow.
Anyways, if you stuck with me and are reading all the way to the end here, it doesn’t mean that I won’t help you when you’re trying to figure out what foods are right for your unique body, or to lose weight and feel great (Like I said, Health Coaching is just ONE of the tools in my tool belt, and The Ditch The Diet Detox isn’t going anywhere anytime soon), I’m just going to be doing things a little different. Cuz, I actually want you to make PERMANENT changes, so that you can BE different without remembering HOW to be different. The thing I’m most excited about offering you are something that I’ve termed “Chakra Tune-ups” (a combo of chakra assessments, energy work and coaching with yours truly to get you out of your funk and into your flow. Read more here. It also will mean, you’ll probably hear more from me on different energy shifting modalities and how they can help you get more in the flow in your life and make major positive shifts.
So that’s it. That’s my big secret. I’ve been hiding out in my comfort zone and hiding some of my best gifts from you. The thing about staying in your comfort zone is, well, it’s comfy, and when you step outside of it, it can be totally terrifying. What do you think? Is it too woo for you? Are you on board? Let me know in the comments below.
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May 19, 2015 at 10:00 pm
Pamela Englebert
You go Girl! Michelle, you ROCK! My work with you has been incredible! My Knowing has moved from head to heart. I came to you stuck and miserable. Now, I am filled with Joy and moving forward with No Fear! My gratitude is boundless!
Shine On!
May 20, 2015 at 2:59 pm
Michelle Matthews
It’s been an absolute honor and pleasure to work with you Pamela! You are an inspiration and it’s been so wonderful to see you shine!
May 14, 2015 at 4:36 pm
Right on Mama! I’m on-board!! So excited to see the new things in your tool belt, and experience them first hand!!
May 20, 2015 at 2:58 pm
Michelle Matthews
Can’t wait for our sessions together JoAnn!
May 14, 2015 at 12:33 pm
Michelle glad you came out of the closet. We’re all here to listen and see what’s next on your journey!
May 14, 2015 at 2:53 pm
Michelle Matthews
Thanks for the support Robin!