Manifesting Your Dreams Through Vision Boarding
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It’s time to bust out the markers, glue stick, favorite magazines, and BIG dreams, folks. You’re going to create a vision board, which is basically a visual representation of all that your soul desires. It’s used as a potent tool to uncover that which fires you up, to compile it in a creative way that resonates uniquely with you, and to manifest the life of your dreams! What are you waiting for?
A quick side note—Kris Carr of “Crazy, Sexy, Cancer” tells a great story in her book about the vision board she created before she went on to document her journey to treat and heal her cancer. It included the words, CRAZY SEXY CANCER, and a note to Oprah asking to save a seat for her on her couch. Four years later, having completed her film she found herself seated next to the talk show queen. If you ever doubt that the universe is designed to provide exactly what you ask of it (given that you also take consistent action), remember this story.
Let’s get started!
1. Gather supplies. You’ll want to have poster board, markers, lots of magazines (variety is key), scissors, rubber cement (or a glue stick), postcards, glitter or stickers, and a photo of yourself looking blissfully happy.
2. Set the supplies aside for a moment and take some time to quiet your mind. Light a candle or some incense and play some soothing music—anything that helps you relax and open up. Envision your ideal life, meditate on your deepest wishes, and set a strong intention. You’ll want your ego to take a backseat during this process so you can access the deepest reaches of your creative self. What did your mediation reveal?
3. Begin to go through your magazines. Have fun with it and don’t overanalyze; rip out anything that speaks to you and put it aside in an inspiring pile.
4. Before you glue anything down, lay the images out on the board in any way that feels right. You don’t need to make space for every image or word that you pulled from the magazine pages. Include only those that feel like they deserve a space on the board as it takes shape. Leave a spot in the center for your photo. Get creative—maybe you’ll want to split the board up into sections representing different areas of your life. Glue it all down and add any other words or phrases that reinforce your intention.
5. Place your vision board somewhere you will see it often, and make a conscious point of reflecting daily on how you will work to manifest your dreams!