Smoothies On The Quick

Lately I’ve been getting more and more people reaching out to me, and it has been so wonderful to hear from all of you! It makes me so happy to share juicy tid bits of health and happiness with all of you. While I get all kinds of questions, there are a few that seem to come up a lot so I thought I would answer the first of them here.
My favorite and most frequently asked question is how to make eating wholesome nourishing foods easier and less time consuming. Here are a couple of my top tips along with a couple super cool tricks (well I think so anyways) for making smoothies on the quick.
Cook Once, Eat Twice: Prepare your meals in quantities so you can have leftovers and also freeze portions for an easy grab and reheat option later.
Keep It Simple Sister (K.I.S.S.) – Cooking does not have to be complicated. Start by trying a few of the wonderful recipes from my website, and modify them to your liking.
K.I.S.S. Part II –
Lastly, I’ve been experimenting with how I can make having an energy packed smoothie less time consuming and less stressful for all of us who are on the go go go. Here are my 2 top secret tips. Ready?!
Preparation is the key. So, over the weekend or on a night when I have a little extra time on my hands, I make my own “smoothie packs”, and throw them in the freezer to make and go quick. This is awesome on a couple levels.
1. Those greens and fresh fruit are no longer wilting and left to go moldy in the fridge before they get eaten (so sad!)
2. This saves you time in putting things together when you need to get out of the house quick!
In my smoothie packs I usually break a banana up into pieces (hot tip: wait until those brown spots start to come out on the peel because this is when more nutrients are getting released) and berries of choice or other fruit like pineapple, peaches, mango, etc. Then I throw in some dark leafy greens like kale, Swiss chard, dandelion greens (tip: rotate the greens you are eating so you don’t build up oxalates in your system). When you’re ready to make your smoothie, take out a pack, throw it in the blender, add 1-2 cups of coconut milk, coconut water, almond milk, hemp milk, rice milk etc., and experiment with ground flax seeds, chia seeds, and hemp protein. If you want to get crazy, feel free to throw in some super foods like spirulina, goji berries, or raw cacao (my favorite).
My other favorite tip is to make a handful of smoothies ahead of time (earlier in the week) and throw them in the freezer. I get up pretty early in the morning, so I take one of my frozen smoothies out when I get up and by the time I have to go to work, it’s mostly thawed and ready to hit the road. You can also make a smoothie the night before and keep it in the fridge until morning. Experiment here, and see what works best for you! This also saves you from the wrath you might experience waking other family members up in the morning from the whirl of your blender blades. Don’t all my smoothies look so cute hanging out together?
Stay tuned next week for some coffee talk, and the 2nd most popular question I get asked!