I Put Myself In Time-Out

Are you making time for you lately?
Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve been feeling wound just a littttttllllllllle bit tight lately. And that is no bueno! (Did I tell you I was teaching myself Spanish for when we move to Costa Rica? I know it might be years away, but someday in the not too distant future I’d love to invite you down for a rejuvenating retreat).
Anywho…I had been feeling really on edge, angry, overwhelmed, maybe a little depressed too. Everyone seems to be blaming things on Mercury Retrograde this month, but I’m pretty sure it’s because I’ve been stretching myself way to thin, and not making enough time for self-care. I’ve been too connected to my computer, filling up every minute of my schedule for weeks (okay maybe even months…eeek!), and not spending time getting re-connected with my heart.
I’ve had so much on my mind that I haven’t been thinking clearly either. And just like I’m here to coach you, I also have a coach (there’s just something about having someone to really hold you accountable). After speaking with her last week, she gave me LOTS of homework. Pretty much all of it was related to slowing down and taking care of me. Essentially, I’ve had to give myself some time-outs. So, this week I started implementing some radical, no excuses for not doing it, self-care. And, you know what? By stopping and getting back in tune with myself, I’ve been able to create more space, get back in touch with my true potential and start acting like a human being again.
So what have I been doing you ask?
- First thing in the morning (before you feed the cats or do anything else!) take time to meditate. Tell yourself to start with 5 minutes. I promise you, you won’t regret it. Focus on your breath, drawing energy in on the inhalation, and exhaling anything you want to let go of, out on the exhalation.
- After a days work, change your clothes. Maybe this sounds a little woo woo for you, but I don’t think it’s illogical that our clothes would absorb energy throughout our day. I mean they absorb smells right??? So what better way of shifting your energy than changing your clothes when you get home (or if you work at home, maybe around 6 or 7:00). This is a great way to signal to your body and mind that you are releasing any negative juice you might have picked up throughout your day.
- Start getting grateful. At the end of each day make a list of 10 things you’re grateful for. Don’t worry about getting profound. It can be simple things, like sunshine, rain, or even your hair. Just start somewhere!
- Take a bath with Himalayan bath salts and soak for at least 20 minutes. My coach told me to do this, and well, I can’t let her down right? It’s been amazing. Talk about feeling relaxed afterwards.
Before you go, I have to know what some of your favorite time-out rituals are. Pop it into the comments below so we can all chill out together.
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October 17, 2014 at 10:39 pm
Puja Madan
Great tips Michelle. The morning mediation and change of clothes have seriously been life-savers for me. I agree 100% that we don’t have time NOT to do self-care. The price is too high. Thanks for the great article!
October 22, 2014 at 3:50 pm
You’re so right Pujua! The price really is too high NOT to do self-care. So happy you enjoyed these tips!