Why Winning May Not Always Look Like This

This might throw your through a loop, but here goes…There is no such thing as self-sabotage. There I said it! Before you start throwing eggs at me, let me explain.
Everyone is winning the game they are playing. That means we are all working perfectly to produce the results we’re getting. This is GOOD news because it means no one is broken!
If we are playing the game of self-sabotage… getting distracted by perfectionism, our busy lives, etc. we are winning the game of being distracted. If I keep telling myself “I don’t belong here”, then I’m going to be focused on any and all evidence that proves that to me… that might be misplacing the scheduling information for a meet-up group you just joined, or convincing yourself that your opinions aren’t valuable or that other people are more special, they are making friends, getting ahead and you’re somehow on the outside looking in.
What someone is experiencing is what they want to be experiencing. Now, you might be saying, “But Michelle, I have a lot of things I’m experiencing that I don’t want to be experiencing!” The bottom line is that we make the best choices available given our resources/environment/conditioning at the time. Healing, growth and success are not a question of getting rid of behaviors but rather a question of acquiring more behavioral choices.
So now it’s your turn. Leave a comment below tell me what you think of this paradigm that everyone is winning the game they are playing. What games are you winning that you’d rather not be winning anymore?
If you’re ready to start winning some new games and tap into your true desires, I have 3 spots opening up in November for private one-on-one coaching. This is your opportunity to figure out WHY you haven’t been losing the weight, or WHY you haven’t been exercising more, or WHY you’ve been so gosh darn cranky and disconnected lately. If you’d like to explore what it would be like to work together, then I invite you to, schedule your free 30 minute discovery session with me today. We’ll spend some time diving deep into what you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want, and set up a plan to start busting through old patterns and beliefs.
***These spots go FAST, and you have until Sunday at midnight to snag your free spot. What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose (except maybe the weight you don’t want, those bags under your eyes and those late night sugar cravings and binges), and everything to gain (remember what it feels like to have energy and be in control of your never ending to-do list?), All you have to do to get your free session is sign up here.