I Put Myself In Time-Out
Are you making time for you lately? Maybe it's just me, but I've been feeling wound just a littttttllllllllle bit tight lately. And that is no bueno! (Did I tell you I was teaching myself Spanish f ...

Take The Plunge!
Everyday I try to get grateful. Everyday I try and balance my life. I have a full time job, a health coaching business, a husband, wonderful friends, and two adorable cats. But sometimes, I just ...

Eating For Energy
While it’s tempting to reach for a carb-laden, sugary snack or a creamy latte for a quick shot of energy as you hit a lull in your day, it’s really only setting you up to fail in the long run. These t ...

The Art Of Eating Consciously – Zen Mastery Not Required
How many times have you wolfed down a meal so quickly your body barely registers that you even ate? It’s a sad consequence of our fast-paced society, but you don’t have to be a Zen master to learn the ...